10 Quick Ways to Fix your Slice

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by.  We’ve made a list of 10 quick ways to fix your slice.  I’m sure many of you out there suffer from a slice, I’ve given you ten quick and easy things to try and fixes this dreaded fault.  Give these a shot. Enjoy! 1) Strengthen your Grip Position The …

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by.  We’ve made a list of 10 quick ways to fix your slice.  I’m sure many of you out there suffer from a slice, I’ve given you ten quick and easy things to try and fixes this dreaded fault.  Give these a shot. Enjoy!

1) Strengthen your Grip Position

The webbing between your thumb and index finger should create V’s pointing towards your trailing shoulder. Most slicers have a weak grip that sit more on top of the club, and these V’s point towards the lead shoulder or even further forward.

2) Loosen your Grip Pressure

Strangling the golf club will limit the amount of rotation and flexibility in your wrists, hands and forearms. Without this rotation, getting the club square coming into impact is very difficult. Loosen up.

3) Split Your Grip

A simple, yet effective drill to ingrain the proper wrists rotation required into impact is to split your grip on the club – much like a hockey grip.  Leave your top hand in it’s normal position, but move your lower hand down to the bottom of your grip.  Take some swings, feel how your wrists are supposed to rotate, and repeat.

4) Square Up Your Body

You’d be surprised how often your shoulders and hips can get out of alignment.  One fundamental that you should keep a close eye on is your address position – ensure you’re shoulders, hips, knees and feet are square to your target line.  Ever address a ball, and something just feels “off”? Take a step back, re-align yourself and swing.

5) Move the Ball Up

Your ball position matters.  As your club is rotating through the impact zone, the club goes from open, to square, to closed very quickly.  If the ball is too far back in your stance, you’ll hit the ball with an open clubface and cause your slice. Move the ball up, hit it square.

6) Close your Stance

A great drill to encourage a better swing path into the ball to eliminate your slice is as simple as closing your stance.  Pull your trailing foot back about a foot, and try hitting golf balls using your body line as a guide.  This last part is the most important… swing along your body line – your shots should be solid, and go right (a big push). Repeat this for 10 swings. Switch back to your normal stance.

7) Get into the Ready Position

Golf, like many other sports is about being in the “ready position”.  Most commonly seen in baseball, the “ready position” consists of your knees being slightly bent, your back is straight and leaning forward slightly, feet are little more than shoulder width apart, and you’re balanced. Most slicers use an awkward upright squat, or ridiculous off-balance reach as an address position.  Get in the ready position instead – you’ll see a difference.

8) Finish Your Swing

The weight shift is underrated.  A proper weight shift involves your weight shifting back onto your trailing leg as you swing to the top of your backswing on a 40-60 split… and then as your swing through to your finish your weight moves to a 90-10 split.  This is imperative.  A good weight shift will help you square your club at impact, and help fix your slice.

9) Check your Hips

During your swing, your hips need to rotate. A common cause of a slice is sliding hips.  This little fault is sometime hard to catch as the two movements (rotating vs sliding) feel similar. Stick a shaft in the ground, so your lead foot is just touching it – if your hips slide, you’ll make contact with the shaft.  Sliding hips delay your wrists rotation into the ball, ultimately leaving the clubface open at impact. Use this shaft drill, or swing with your feet together to limit your lower body movement.

10) Path, Path, Path

A slicer’s worst enemy is an improper swing path.  The most common slice causing path is the out to in swing path, that on occasion can become the over-the-top swing path.  Setup three tees about 2 inches apart, 3 inches ahead of the ball.  Do the same behind it, so you basically make a tee sandwich around your ball. Make some swings and keep track of the tees you hit.  Keep doing this drill until you can pick off the ball while only hitting either the inside or middle tees.

10.5) Blame the Clubs

You know, occasionally you can blame the clubs. Be sure to be properly fitted for your clubs – your clubs lie angle, and shaft flex can have a big impact on your ball flight. Not to mention club type – if you’re using blade irons, and you can’t break 100, put your ego aside, and try some game improvement irons with large cavity backs.  Your playing partners will thank you.

Got anything to add? There’s tons of slice quick fixes out there – share yours in the comments below:



4 thoughts on “10 Quick Ways to Fix your Slice”

  1. Normally a slice is caused by an open club face at impact or a outside in swing, both of which puts slice spin on the ball. A quick drill to help remove that spin is to line your ball’s brand name along the target line on the tee. Taking your normal stance make yourself hit the inside of the golf ball. This action will force you to hit inside out or at least straight along the target line, and either hit the ball straight or even hit a slight draw, which will give you more distance and roll and accuracy. Work on this move.

  2. Normally a slice is caused by an open club face at impact or a outside in swing, both of which puts slice spin on the ball. A quick drill to help remove that spin is to line your ball’s brand name along the target line on the tee. Taking your normal stance make yourself hit the inside of the golf ball. This action will force you to hit inside out or at least straight along the target line, and either hit the ball straight or even hit a slight draw, which will give you more distance and roll and accuracy. Work on this move.


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