Good evening everyone and thanks for stopping by. We’ve got a little bit of everything tonight… news from Gauge Design, an online Vokey fitting system, Tiger talks to his fans and Callaway’s online magazine is a hit.
Looks like Gauge Design is ready to make the next big step in becoming a full service golf company. We pass along pictures of the company’s new products whenever we can and it looks like we’ll be seeing even more from them in the coming years. Don’t expect Gauge to mass produce their stuff but don’t be surprised if irons and putters are available in bigger runs… and available to more people through more shops. The company’s recently released irons are doing very well and putter sales continue to be strong. We’ll keep you posted.
Titleist has unveiled a cool online wedge fitting system for their Vokey Wedges. I tried it out over the weekend and it told me to quit golf and to take up a different sport. Wow… it’s really accurate. Check it out here .
Want to talk to Tiger Woods? Nike Golf is giving fans the chance to talk to the best player in the world. Here’s the lowdown…
“Through the power of the Internet, Nike Golf will be connecting Woods with consumers all over the world in real time. From 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, May 12, 2009, “Tiger Web Talkback” will feature Woods talking live to consumers in eight different cities in the U.S. from Orlando, Florida. For those golf fans who cannot be at any of these locations, they can watch this hour-long discussion live on”
Speaking of online stuff… Callaway’s online magazine is pretty cool. I don’t remember how I came across it but it’s very well done. Check it out here .
And finally… high fives go out to those golf companies and players exploring the fun world of Twitter. I’ve started to really get into Twitter lately and it’s fun to see some of the big equipment manufacturers embracing this technology. Be sure to check out our @SirShanksAlot59 account for up to date golf news and notes. If you're really bored you can follow me too… @bsiddle. Yep… that's right… my real name isn't SirShanksAlot.
Talk to you tomorrow!